
Our Services

We are committed to the increasing of the cross-cultural awareness and the bond between Australia and China through development in education and training.

Study in Australia

Do you have a specific study area of interest? There is every chance Australia has you covered, with at least one Australian university in the top 50 worldwide across areas of Natural Sciences & Mathematics, Life & Agricultural Sciences, Clinical Medicine & Pharmacy, and Physics.

Study Tour to Australia

Study tours give overseas students a passport to success. During their visit, students improve English skills, grow in confidence and explore Australian culture. Short-term study tours are tailored to the visit duration and group interests in one or more study tour themes.

Get Work Experience

Our work experience program can provide students with exposure to the Australian workplace via internships and other work integrated learning programs will not only improve the employability of graduates but is likely to enhance the value of an Australian degree.

Your Personal Development is our Focus

We believe personal development includes not only academic study but also people skills development. Through involvement in various events and activities organised by our affiliated Australian Asian Youth Association, our students can develop their communication skills, organising skills and improve sense of responsibility.

Lets Get Started

Why Choose Australia

Australia is a leading global education powerhouse with some of the world's best facilities and educators, providing local and international students with a range of quality study options.

More reasons to study in Australia

Australia has the third highest number of international students in the world behind only the United Kingdom and the United States despite having a population of only 23 million. This isn’t surprising when you consider Australia has seven of the top 100 universities in the world! In fact, with over 22,000 courses across 1,100 institutions, Australia sits above the likes of Germany, the Netherlands and Japan, ranking eighth in the Universitas 2012 U21 Ranking of National Higher Education Systems.

These are strong academic credentials, but our institutions are just as highly rated as the cities that house them around the country. Australia has five of the 30 best cities in the world for students based on student mix, affordability, quality of life, and employer activity – all important elements for students when choosing the best study destination. And with more than A$200 million provided by the Australian Government each year in international scholarships, we’re making it easier for you to come and experience the difference an Australian education can make to your future career opportunities.

Do you have a specific study area of interest? There is every chance Australia has you covered, with at least one Australian university in the top 50 worldwide across the study areas of Natural Sciences & Mathematics, Life & Agricultural Sciences, Clinical Medicine & Pharmacy, and Physics.

Exposure to the Australian workplace

Many international students struggle to gain local work experience due to limited local networks, lack of knowledge of the Australian labour market, poor understanding of the job application process and weak communication skills.

With the growing importance being placed on work experience, English language and extra-curricular activities, international graduates require further opportunities to develop capacity in these areas and establish local networks in order to improve their chances of success in the labour market.

English language proficiency is central to labour market success in both home and host countries and this study confirms that many international students require additional support to further develop their English language skills.

Our work experience program can provide students with exposure to the Australian workplace via internships and other work integrated learning programs will not only improve the employability of graduates but is likely to enhance the value of an Australian degree.

Study tours, a passport to success.

Tour groups study with Australian students in modern educational facilities. Study Tour excursions include hands on learning and prize-winning attractions.

Study Tours offer a distinct difference. Overseas students quickly gain English language confidence with support from home and school. Creative teaching, advanced resources and inspiring excursions stimulate learning. Students experience Australian culture first hand with their carefully chosen Home stay family.

Australia is a renowned international education destination where overseas students learn in new and challenging ways. Each study tour is an educational journey towards:

  • Improved English language skill
  • Gaining academic advantage
  • Discovering leadership ability
  • Growing international awareness

About Us

Everything you need to know about our Company

Who We Are

Established in 2004, Australian Asian Student Services (AASS) was registered in Sydney Australia in Jan. 2005. Due to rapid business growth in both Australia and China, we have branch offices in both Beijing and Shijiazhuang City. We will continue to focus on the mainland China market.

Our Objective

With strong commitment to Excellence in Service and Quality we have established a reliable network within Australian Educational & Training Institution. This move has further allowed us to provide valuable services to overseas students.

Our Vision

Our future in China is unequivocally bright. With continued development and growth in China, our core business is ever changing and expanding to set up new International Program in Education & Training networking with key Universities, Colleges, Schools and Corporations in Australia and China.

We are Different

Working together to achieve great results

Professional and Tailor-made Advice

Our education consultants have studied and worked in Australian universities with an extensive and deep knowledge of the Australian education system and various courses offered by most universities. We design tailor-made solutions for our students based on their own academic background, interests and aspirations. With over 10 year’s professional experience in the education industry, we have established a positive and trusting business relationship with all level of educational institutions in Australia and overseas. Students can choose Australian institutions of their own preferences that we work closely with.

Efficiency and Outcome Oriented

We are totally committed in furnishing a standard in EXCELLENCE in the Quality & Service to the Needs of our Clients with TAILOR-MADE solutions. With strong commitment to Excellence in Service and Quality we have established a reliable network within Australian Educational & Training Institutions. Once we reach agreement with our students, we will immediately process their application to ensure the application is processed quickly and the best possible outcome achieved. Instead of waiting for a few weeks for an offer from a university, we can get an application outcome within 7 working days.

Ongoing personal and professional Development Support

We also provide continuing services, such as further student visa applications, guardianship arrangements, homestay placements, airport pickup, as well as assistance with opening Australian bank accounts and obtaining a tax file number from the Australian Taxation Office. Additionally, we provide opportunity for our students to develop their communication skills and leadership via organising various social activities by Australian Asian Youth Association. With our extensive commercial network Australia wide, we can help our students arrange internship during their and recommend job opportunities after their study.

* Please complete our registration form

Registration Form

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Sydney Office
World Square
36/650 George St,
Sydney NSW 2000
Local: +61 (02) 8958 3334
Mobile: +61 423 355 467
China Office
Level 14 Block B Technology Building
Hebei Normal University Shijiazhuang,
Local: +86 (0)311-82071616
Mobile: +86 182 3313 7836